Ep. 52: Loving You

If you’ve ever felt too bruised to love, you’re not alone. Some of us were born bruised. But the truth is we are whole. The truth is, we were born whole and worthy of love.

We often look for the love our life everywhere but in the mirror. Once you can look in the mirror, say to yourself, “I love you,” and truly believe it, you are better able to love others and heal the world.

Make a vow starting today. Write it on your heart. Post it on your mirror: “I will love you all the days of my life” starting today.

Tips and Takeaways:

  • Look in the mirror every day and say these words, “I love you.” Then go love you.

  • No more name calling. You are precious. Be kind. Instead of calling yourself “stupid” or “dumb” or “fat,” call yourself “sweetie” and “honey” and “beautiful.”

  • Love your neighbor AS yourself means you need to love you first, so you are then free to love others without needing them to fill you.

Regina Brett