Ep. 51: The Power of Saying NO.

“No” is such a tiny word, but it’s the gateway to saying “yes!” to you and your life.

Why is it so hard to say “No” to others?

We fear letting people down or causing them to feel the rejection we might feel if someone said no to us, so we let ourselves down by saying yes to things we don’t want to do.

Give yourself permission to say no. Practice saying “No” in the mirror or screaming it into a pillow if you have to. The word “no” is your guardian and a gift you give yourself.

Because when you say “yes” you are giving away not just your time, but your life, because your time IS your life.

Tips and Takeaways:

  • Before saying yes, pause and check in with yourself.

  • Listen to your heart: If it’s not a WOW! it’s a NO.

  • Know exactly what you are saying yes to. How much time, energy and expense will it cost you?

  • Remember who you are saying “No” for. That “No” is a big beautiful “Yes!” to you.

Regina Brett