Ep. 57: Mind your own soul

Are you living the life your soul wants you to have?

That’s the only kind of life to live. Rumi wrote, “The soul is here for its own joy.” Are you feeling the joy?

Most of us waste a lot of energy and squander our joy minding other people’s business and neglecting our own. How do you mind your own soul? Meditate daily. Pause through the day to center. Release drama addicts from your life. Remind yourself often, Not my circus, not my monkeys.

You are here to live the life your soul wants you to have. What’s stopping you?

Tips & Takeaways:

  • In the middle of the chaos, remind yourself: Not my circus, not my monkeys.

  • Live your eulogy life not your resume life. Live for what will matter long after you are gone.

  • Breathe new life into you and release the past. Your soul has called you back home. Just say yes to the journey.

Regina Brett