Ep. 49: WE - How to grow the 'we' in your life

“We” just might be the most powerful word in the dictionary. “We” can topple a government. “We” can conquer cancer. “We” can fly to the moon and back.

All that we are as a country starts with “we.” It’s the first word to the Preamble of the U. S. Constitution: “We the People…” How do we unite a country? We don’t do anything to each other that we wouldn’t want done to us.

Be kind or be quiet. Disagree without being disrespectful. Look for the helpers and be one.

Find out how to become a Guardian of the Galaxy and grow your ‘we.’

Tips & Takeaways:

  • Expand your front row friends to include people of other races, religions, ages and backgrounds.

  • Turn to the better angels of your own nature before you post or share on social media.

  • Make your Facebook page no place for hate and no place for fake news.

  • Focus on solutions not on blaming others for the problems.

Regina Brett