Ten Things to do on Election Day

What do you plan to do on Election Day?

You could stress out the entire day or you could celebrate the best of democracy and your unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

God Bless America.png

Here are ten options that beat agonizing over the outcome all day — or week — long:

1. Escape. Watch “Hamilton.” The Hallmark Channel. Disney movies. Or classics like “The Great Escape,” “The Best Years of Our Lives,” or “It’s A Wonderful Life.” Because no matter who gets elected, you do have a wonderful life.

2. Move. Go for a run or a walk. Do some yoga. Jump rope. Jog around the house.  Get your blood flowing.

3. Listen to music. Play Louis Armstrong singing, “What a Wonderful World.” Crank up Queen, “We Are the Champions.” Blast some Beyoncé or Bach.

4. Get outside. Ground your feet on this beautiful planet Earth. It truly is our Garden of Eden. We got the best planet in the known universe. Give thanks for it by being outdoors under the sun, moon and stars. 

5. Pray. Pray for all humankind. Pray for whoever needs a prayer most and let God sort out who that is. Give thanks for what you’ve been given, what you’ve been spared and what you have left. 

6. Read. Read the U.S. Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Read poetry by Langston Hughes, Billy Collins or Mary Oliver, who wrote in Summer Day:  

'“Tell me, what is it you plan to do

With your one wild and precious life?”

 Surely don’t agonize or awfulize away one single precious day of it. 

7. Give. Drop off books in a Little Library. Feed the nearest food pantry with canned goods or donate cash to your local food bank. Give blood. If you can’t give it today, make a plan for when you can. 

8. Bake. On Election Day, we’re all as American as apple pie, so bake one. Or make two, and give one to the neighbors who might have voted differently than you did. 

9. Play. Solitaire. Uno. Sudoku. Monopoly. Hold a game night. If you play Risk, the results will likely come in before you finish. 

10. Thank a veteran. Go to USO.org where you can send a note and donate to help those heroes on the front lines who are promoting freedom and protecting peace, the kind that allows us all to safely vote.