- When you don’t get what you want, you get something better—experience.
- Everything changes when you change.
- Burying your talents won’t make them grow.
- What they call you is up to them. What you answer to is up to you.
- In this drama of life, there are no small parts.
- Give others a second chance to make a first impression.
- Every job is as magical as you make it.
- There’s a time for everything but not always at the same time.
- Only you can determine your worth.
- Even the mistakes belong.
- If you’re going to doubt anything, doubt your doubts.
- Sometimes the job you want is the job you already have.
- Most of the time, the only person in your way is you.
- God is still speaking.
- Make gentle the life of this world.
- Sometimes your mission is revealed moment by moment.
- When things fall apart, they could actually be falling into place.
- When you fail, fail forward.
- Choice, not just chance, determines your destiny.
- It’s not about what you can do, but what God can do through you.
- Instead of trying to be the best in the world, be the best for the world.
- If you can help someone, do; if you can hurt someone, don’t.
- It’s important to know both your superpower and your kryptonite.
- God completes our work.
- Not everything that counts can be counted.
- Don’t confuse your work with your worth.
- Clear the path for the person who comes after you.
- Just because someone isn’t on your path doesn’t mean they’re lost.
- Expand your comfort zone to make others more comfortable.
- There’s no whining on the yacht.
- No one can drain you without your permission.
- There’s more to life than making it go faster.
- Instead of planning a better life, start living one.
- The world needs people who are fully alive.
- The best use of your life is to love.
- To find out who you are, let go of who you aren’t.
- Align yourself first, then take action.
- The most important boss to answer to is the small, still voice within.
- Power is an inside job.
- It’s up to you to launch your life.
- Things don’t happen to you, they happen for you and for others.
- Don’t die with your music in you.
- Nothing you want is upstream, so stop struggling.
- Create a pocket of greatness right where you are.
- Even when you feel invisible, your work isn’t.
- You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give.
- Be somebody’s hero.
- For networking to work, we all have to be the net.
- If you don’t want regrets at the end of your life, have no regrets at the end of each day.
- Find your grail. Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.