Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. to love your body better

It’s amazing how small things can make a big difference.

Three months ago, I started eating two Brazil nuts a day after hearing that just two a day will lower your cholesterol. That’s the only change I made in my diet.

I just got back my blood work. My HDL is - for the first time ever — in the good range.

I’ve been a vegetarian for over 35 years. I have never smoked, I haven’t had a drink of alcohol in 39 years and I’ve never had a cup of coffee or caffeinated tea. But I still eat treat myself to too much junk: Ice cream. Oreos. Salt and vinegar chips. Pretzels with extra salt. (I actually only eat them for the salt. I’m like a deer. Those pretzels are like a salt lick in the kitchen.)

A family member has some health issues and committed to six weeks of eating only healthy foods for a body reboot, so in solidarity I decided to join him and eat better.


I pulled out my cookbooks and made stew and vegetarian chili. I bought the “How Not To Die” cookbook. I bought groceries and only shopped in the produce aisle. After a week of no junk food, a nectarine and fresh pineapple have never tasted better.

I don’t plan to become a food saint, but I want to eat more for fuel and less for fun.

Too many of us eat for entertainment, not fuel. Or for comfort, not fuel.

I want to turn to the Earth for my fuel, not the cookie aisle or ice cream freezer. It’s making me create new habits to mindfully nurture myself. Instead of reaching for a dessert, I’m taking more bubble baths, lighting more candles and watching more movies.

My podcast guest, Tracey Lind, raised the bar even higher last week when she shared how she uses the S.H.I.E.L.D. to fight dementia. We could all treat our brains and bodies better with the S.H.I.E.L.D. Here’s how:

Sleep 8 hours. And give yourself permission to nap when you need to. Your brain needs rest to stay healthy.

Handle stress. Turn off the news and turn on some music.

Interact with others. Even if it’s on Zoom, check in with each other or go for a walk. Mask up to be safe.

Exercise. As Dr. Mike Roizen says, the best exercise is the one you do. Just move!

Learn new things. That’s easy. Just listen to my podcast!

Diet on the right food. The Earth has given us plenty of options.

Start small and you might see big results.

At the very least, eat a two Brazil nuts a day and keep the cholesterol away.

Self CareRegina Brett