The ten best Christmas movies of all time. Well, at least taking up my time.

Confession: I binge watch Christmas movies every December.

There aren’t many Christmas movies that I haven’t watched, but this year I added a new one to the Must Watch List.

Some might not consider it a Christmas classic, but how can it not be with this line, “Now I have a machine gun. Ho-ho-ho.”

I own more Christmas movies than I can squeeze into one December. I just read at article on PopSugar about a woman who watches “White Christmas” every single day of December.

Yes, you read that correctly. Every DAY.

I confess to watching it every December. But there’s no movie I would watch every single day. That would leave too little time for all those Hallmark movies that I’m addicted to. And for all the other classics I have to squeeze in, like “Elf,” “A Bad Mom’s Christmas,” “Christmas Eve on Sesame Street,” and “Ernest Saves Christmas.”

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This year I added a new one to my list of classics.

I’ll give you a hint: “Yippie-Ki-Yay, Mother F#(&$%!”

There’s great debate over whether “Die Hard” is a true Christmas movie, but hey, it takes place on Christmas Eve, so it qualifies. The real question is, I’m 64 and have five brothers. How did I miss watching it until now? The movie came out in 1988 when Bruce Willis still had hair.

Before I share my Top Ten favorites, I confess that I have never watched “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” “Scrooged,” “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” or “Lethal Weapon,” which I hear is a Christmas movie, along with “Batman Returns.”

Many list these in their top ten, but I find “A Christmas Story” too stressful, “Prancer” too sad, “Gremlins” too scary and “Home Alone” too unnerving.

So here are my personal Top Ten Movies It Wouldn’t be Christmas Without Watching

10. Every single Hallmark movie I can squeeze in.

9. “The Grinch.” Nobody belts it out like Boris Karloff.

8. “Frosty the Snowman.” It makes me feel the magic of being 7 again.

7. “Rudolph the Red-Nosed-Reindeer.” I used to feel like I came from that Island of Misfit Toys and celebrate their release every year, but I still haven’t figured out what’s wrong with the red-headed doll.

6. “White Christmas.” Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters. And I’ve got 6, and we know all the lyrics by heart.

5. “Love Actually.” I can’t miss seeing hottie Hugh Grant dance around 10 Downing Street and hear that little girl show up Maria Carey.

4. “Christmas with the Kranks.” I watch it just for that beautiful moment when Tim Allen is standing in the falling snow and has to choose. The quiet of that moment makes my heart melt every time.

3. “The Family Stone.” I laugh, I cry, I feel broken and whole and ever so grateful to be alive with all the people who are left in my life.

2. “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Lights, please.

1. “It’s A Wonderful Life.” Bert, do ya know me! Zuzu’s petals! Zuzu’s petals!

Feel free to add or subtract, and help me figure out where to squeeze in “Die Hard.”